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Hello. This is a different type of thing where I use memes to communicate ideas with some writing. So not exactly a blog.
Sep 11, 20201 min read
5 things your manager does or has to help fail your Agile Transformation
Organisations are like cities, complex social systems where certain people hold more decision making power than others. In our context,...
Sep 9, 20201 min read
Agile Coaching & paying your mortgage
How would you turn up to work if your mortgage was paid off - or say you were able to live rent free for a couple of years? Would your...
Sep 8, 20202 min read
Tolerance over happiness to move forward.
As a coach and/or facilitator, we want to help teams figure out how to move forward. Specifically in this little blurb on decisions....
Sep 3, 20201 min read
Shallow Scrum - rotating the ScrumMaster
When we understand a role to be "someone who manages the events" - it's inevitable that people will pass that role around in a team....
Sep 2, 20201 min read
The ScrumMaster role is close to extinction.
What a strange looking bird with a name to match. Perhaps that's the point of the ScrumMaster identity & name, it's meant to be something...
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